For Christians, the words “Be Saved” have a specific meaning. If you are familiar with the Christian faith you should recognize much or all of what you find here. If you are not familiar with the Christian faith, you may wonder, “Be saved from what?” This page is here to give an answer to two questions.
- What it means to be saved.
- How to be saved.
If you have questions, if you are curious, if you are looking for hope, if you feel there must be something more to life, if you are concerned about how you have lived your life and are searching for answers, then this page is here – most of all – for you.
- What it means to be saved.
In simple terms, Christians believe that GOD created the universe and us and then we rebelled. Our rebellion, in a broad sense, is called sin and it separates us from our Creator. GOD gave us free will and we made poor choices. GOD still wants all people to become His children (2 Peter 3) and wants to have a relationship with us. GOD is both merciful and just, so although He wants to forgive us He also demands justice. GOD sent His Son, Jesus Christ to pay the penalty for our sins so that we will not have to. Those who trust and believe in Him can have eternal life with Him. Those who do not trust and believe in Him are destined to another fate.
“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life. For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.” John 3:16-17 (NKJV)
This truth claim is not made without evidence and over time Seek the Narrow Gate will share evidence in support of that claim. We will also share links to evidence presented by others that we believe proves this case.
2. How to be saved.
It is important that anyone seeking forgiveness from GOD for their sins read to the end of this. Profession of faith is not the same as possession of faith. True faith is more than simply a prayer or statement. Please read on.
The letters BE SAVED are used here as sort of a guide. BESAV- show the steps to true salvation. -ED show a starting point to grow in your faith in GOD.
B – Believe that we are separated from GOD by our wrongdoing and that we need His help. Believe that Jesus Christ, the Son of GOD, came to earth as GOD in the form of man, died for our sins and rose again alive in three days, so that through His death we might die to our sin and through His resurrection, we might also have eternal life.
E – Enter into a personal relationship with GOD and place your trust in Him.
S – See the world as it is and understand that GOD is Lord, Creator and sovereign King of all creation.
A – Acknowledge that as mortal humans we live in a fallen state and that we have all sinned and fallen short of GOD’s standard.
V – Voluntarily choose to repent, to give your life to GOD, to submit to His authority in your life.
E – Every day try to grow a little closer in your walk with GOD by learning what it means to live a life pleasing to GOD. Some ways to do this are Bible study, attendance at a church with sound doctrinal teachings and prayer.
D – Devote yourself to becoming more like Christ and more worthy of GOD’s grace through committing to live your life in ways that are pleasing to GOD.
GOD’s gift of salvation is just that; a free gift that anyone who truly believes and trusts will receive. It cannot be earned, it cannot be achieved. It is only available as a free gift through the grace and mercy of a loving and merciful GOD.
If you are looking for hope and want to devote your life to believing in Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, you may do so at any time. There is no ritual required, no special place or event, merely to trust in Him.
Below is a model prayer you may use if you wish. The words are not as important as the intent in your heart. If you are sincere and truly believe in your heart and profess with your lips that Jesus is Lord and Savior, then you may be assured that salvation and eternal life can be yours. It is important to understand here that the prayer itself does not save you. GOD is the source of all salvation. He knows those who repent of their sins. To repent is to change our mind, to change the way we think and do things, to honestly want to live a life that GOD would approve of.
Lord, GOD, Creator of all things, Father in Heaven. I come before you now in person and in spirit and ask your forgiveness for all the sins I have committed against you. I have sinned against other people but most of all I have sinned against you. I am sorry for the wrong I have done and sorry that I have not seen your light and followed your light. Please Lord, forgive me of all my sins, those I know of and those I do not understand. I want to walk in Your ways and honor Your Word and learn to worship You because You are worthy. I want to turn my back on the darkness of worldly things and walk in a new light with Your spirit. Please work in my life and save me from my own sins so that even as you live I may live also, freed of bondage to my sins through your sacrifice and having eternal life through your resurrection.
When we are saved, The Holy Spirit of GOD lives within us and begins to change our lives. With the help of the Holy Spirit and some effort on our part, our lives will begin to change. This is the evidence of salvation. GOD does not immediately change everything about every person who is saved though. The life of a Christian still has challenges and we will face many problems here. A true believer can still have doubts, will not understand everything, may not be able to answer every question. That is why it is called faith but it is not blind faith. A believer does not need to have faith without evidence.
Jesus said:
“These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.” John 16:33 (NKJV)
Seek the Narrow Gate